01 Mandible Reduction
This procedure will create a beautiful jawline by trimming or resecting the lower mandibular bone. This surgery is considered safe but the recovery time can be long due to swelling. An incision is made in the inside of the mouth from the 2nd molar to the canines. The desired shape is trimmed from the back of the jaw to the mental foramen. By removing just the outer layer of the jaw the width of the face is made more slim. The amount of trimming depends on the severity of wideness.
02 Zygoma Reduction
Cheekbone reduction is a very effective way to make the face smaller and smoother. Having large cheeks can give a very strong appearance. To soften the facial features, an incision is made inside the upper part of the mouth about 4cm above the gum line. Cuts are made to the front and back of the cheekbone. Using titanium plates, the position of the bone is fixed tightly to prevent any movement. Dissolvable materials can also be used so that there is no visible plate in x-rays.
03 Chin Reduction
This procedure makes broad chin and jawline smaller and sharper through T-Osteotomy or direct resection. The chin can be placed forward or backward to create proper facial profile. In T Osteotomy, incision is made inside the mouth. One horizontal and two vertical cuts are made to the bone. Another horizontal cut can be made to further reduce the length of the chin. The central bone fragment is removed and the existing bone is fixed using titanium plate and screws or dissolvable materials. The lower jawline is then trimmed to create a smooth line. This procedure is often used with Mandible Angle Resection
04 Jaw Surgery
Jaw surgery involves moving the upper and lower jaw, including teeth, to create a beautifully balanced facial line. It is common for different procedure to apply depending on the position and. alignment of the teeth of the patient.
Maxilla (Le Forte I Osteotomy)
A Le Fort I osteotomy is the most commonly used procedure to make bone incisions in the upper jaw.This procedure is performed under general anesthesia. The operation is carried out entirely inside the mouth. A U-shaped incision is made through the gums above the upper teeth to gain access to the jawbone. The gum is then raised off the bone. The upper jaw bone is then moved into its final position (planned prior to your surgery) and held in place with tiny titanium plates and screws, which are left in place permanently. The gums are stitched back into place with dissolvable stitches. These stitches may take three to four weeks to dissolve. After the bones heal together, the jaw regains it’s normal strength.
SSRO Sagittal Split Ramus Osteotomy
This procedure is used to correct mandibular over and under bite. First, a horizontal cut is made on the inner side of the ramus mandibulae, xtending anterally to the anterior portion of the ascending ramus. The cut is then made inferiorly on the ascending ramus to the descending ramus, extending to the lateral border of the mandible in the area between the first and second molar. At this time, a vertical cut is made extending inferior to the body of the mandible, to the inferior border of the mandible. All cuts are made into the middle of the bone, where bone marrow is present. Then, a chisel is inserted into the pre-existed cuts and tapped gently in all areas to split the mandible of the left and right side. From here, the mandible can be moved either forwards or backwards. If sliding backwards, the distal segment must be trimmed to provide room in order to slide the mandible backwards.
ASO (anterior segment osteotomy)
The top and bottom first premolar on both sides of the mouth is removed along with the attached bone. The front of the upper and lower mouth is then pushed back and fixed to the jaw using titanium plates to secure it firmly. Commonly used for people with protruding mouth (bimaxillary protrusion).
05 Recessed Chin
Recessed chin can also be seen with an overbite where the lower jaw is underdeveloped. The two ways are implant insertion for small chin or gliding genioplasty.
Implant Insertion
Surgery is done under local anesthesia so the patient will not feel any pain or discomfort. Incision is made through the mucous membrane of the mouth to the lower jawbone where a silicon implant is inserted.
Sliding Genioplasty
This procedure is when the jaw position and development is normal, but only the chin is recessed. A horizontal cut is made to the chin, and only the chin is moved forward. Titanium plates and screws are used to fix the chin in place.
06 Paranasal Augmentation
The nasolabial groove on the sides of the nose has a sunken look. This can make your appearance look tired and older. An Incision is made inside the mouth about 1.5 to 2 cm long. An implant is inserted in the space next to the sunken area by the maxillary bone.