01 About Body Contouring
In most cases just one procedure cannot give perfect results. Liposuction, fat grafting, and lifting can be combined giving you the figure you want. Even for people who may seem slim but have some areas of fat that are impossible to remove through exercise.
02 Flabby Arms
With age, weight gain, and weight loss; people may develop stretch marks and excess fat and skin, leading to a flabbiness of the upper arms. There are two approaches used to improve the upper arm area, liposuction and arm lift. Liposuction can remove the excess fat. Arm lifting may be required if the skin is very loose and sagging.
03 Tummy Liposuction
Excess fat is removed from the tummy and flank for a flat stomach. If the excess fat has created sagging skin, a tummy tuck may be required through small incisions made in the belly button, under the waistline in the front and back. Any residual scars are usually small and hidden below the underwear.
04 Tummy Tuck
This procedure combines liposuction with abdominoplasty to give a slim and flat stomach. Liposuction removes excess fat while abdominoplasty corrects extra skin and muscle stretching that has resulted from pregnancy or obesity. The difference is that the incision is bigger at 20-25cm made under the waistline to remove excess fat and skin. The skin is redraped and sutured for a smooth stomach.
05 Thigh and Hip
Excess fat is removed from the thigh and hip to create a slender look. Small incisions are made below the fold of the buttock, behind the knee, and inner thigh.