01 Double Eyelids
Some people do not have a crease and feel their eyes are too small with a puffy appearance.
The double fold surgery creates a crease in your upper eyelid, making the eyes bigger and brighter.
There are 2 main options in making the Double Fold: Non-Incisional and Incisional.
Non-Incisional involves making very small openings and using a thread to leave no visible scars for natural looking eyes.
Incision is a versatile surgical method that can remove fat and control various tissues to achieve a long lasting double fold crease.
02 Epicanthoplasty
Medial Epicanthoplasty is reshaping the inner corner of the eye to make the eye bigger and brighter by removing the medial epicanthal skin (Mongolian fold).
Lateral Epicanthoplasty is by reshaping the outer(lateral) corner of the eye to make the eye bigger and brighter by reshaping the lateral epicanthus.
Outer eye skin is opened with the mucosa is relocated to the desired position behind the skin. In addition this procedure can change the angle of the eye.
03 Ptosis Correction
A weakening of the eye opening muscle (levator muscle) can cause the eyelid to droop and give a sleepy appearance.
Many people with this condition tend to over use their eyebrows to open their eyes causing wrinkles and headaches.
This procedure will strengthen the eye opening muscles to make it easy to open your eyes, giving a bigger and vivid appearance.
04 Lower Eyelid Surgery
Eye bags cause your appearance to look much older than your age,and dark circles can give a tired look. These procedures can remove dark circles or lift eye bags that have formed with age.
Transconjunctival Orbital Fat Removal
People with bulging lower lid fat looks tired and older than one’s age, even if they don’t have wrinkles or skin droopiness. This option can remove excessive fat through the inside of the eyelid without leaving a scar. Using an incision on the inside surface of lower eyelid (conjunctiva), we can approach the pocket of orbital fat. After opening this pocket, removal of fat is done. Finally, incised areas are positioned precisely.
Transconjunctival Orbital Fat Transposition
Severe dark circles is often due to uneven disposition of orbital fat – too much in one area and not enough in another. This procedure will evenly distribute the orbital fat resulting in a brighter appearance without leaving a scar. Excess fat will also be removed to give your eyes a brighter look.
Upper Blepharoplasty
As one ages the skin and fat above the eye can begin to sag. This procedure removes excess fat and lifts the drooping skin from the upper portion of the eye.
A full incision is used along the crease to remove excess fat and skin. The sagging tissue is corrected by lifting the remaining tissues.
Lower Blepharoplasty
Elasticity of skin and tension of muscle are reduced in the lower eyelid as one ages.
Along with changes in the orbital fat pocket, they can create an old appearance. Lower Blepharoplasty can lift your lower eyelid by transposition and making a full incision is made just beneath the lower eyelash. Using meticulous dissection, every components of lower eyelid are exposed and corrected:transposition of orbital fat, lifting, and tightening of muscle/skin. Excessive tissue can be removed. Suturing is done along the incision.